开云官网在线登录首页 //www.hakchouf.com 向世界市场提供电力配电保护设备的主要独立提供者 Thu,2023年12月21日09:02:26+00 en-UK 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 //www.hakchouf.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/favicon-100x100.jpg 开云官网在线登录首页 //www.hakchouf.com 32码 32码 开云官网在线登录首页anordMARDIX与食物伙伴 //www.hakchouf.com/christmas-foodbanks/ //www.hakchouf.com/christmas-foodbanks/#respond 莫利海因斯 Tue2023年12月19日 公司更新 开云官网在线登录首页 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=8318 开云官网在线登录首页snord Mardix雇员Dundalk参加圣诞跳跃日支持本地社区开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix爱尔兰与Dundalk Simon社区合作支持Dundalk社区今年圣诞节开云官网在线登录首页Anord MardixDundalk设施雇员参加圣诞跳跃日活动,邀请雇员上传sessionsssssssssss.nordmardix.com/christmas-foodbanks/开云官网在线登录首页/a+/p 开云官网在线登录首页

Anord Mardix employees in Dundalk take part in a Christmas Jumper Day in support of the local community.

Anord Mardix Ireland have partnered with the Dundalk Simon Community to support the local community in Dundalk this Christmas.

Employees in Anord Mardix's Dundalk facility took part in a Christmas jumper day, where employees were invited to make food and monetary donations.

This is the fourth year of the partnership between Anord Mardix and the Dundalk Simon Community, with donations last year helping 116 individuals to go through the Dundalk Simon Community's emergency services.

Commenting on the partnership, Rachael Flood, Senior HR Business Partner at Anord Mardix said: "We are delighted to be partnering with the Dundalk Simon Community again this year for our chosen Christmas Charity event.员工向慈善日托和急救服务提供急需项目从圣诞跳跃日筹集到的任何资金 也将捐给Dundalk Simon开云官网在线登录首页支持本地慈善组织对我们来说非常重要, 特别是在圣诞节时间, 并乐于今年与Dundalk Simon继续合作 。

今年Anod Mardix提供的所有捐款都将用于帮助本地社区中今年冬天可能需要额外资源的人, 并用于支持圣诞节后数月的慈善组织 。开云官网在线登录首页flex-basismardix.com/difslipsss/ //www.hakchouf.com/christmas-foodbanks/feed/ 0 开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix爱尔兰双运算 //www.hakchouf.com/d2-announcement/ //www.hakchouf.com/d2-announcement/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 Tue2023年10月17日14:50:57+00 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=8261 开云官网在线登录首页snord Mardix扩展数据库行业关键市场物理足迹,Flex公司Anod Mardix是关键电产业的全球领先者,并正式开始在Dundalk兴建第二个设施,称为D2开云官网在线登录首页离姐妹网站近处(Tanolahouse),D2定位IDAssele开云官网在线登录首页更多阅读 Anord Mardix对爱尔兰双重运算 先发布httpss/www.andmardix.com>AnordMardix 开云官网在线登录首页msd Mardix扩展数据库行业关键市场物理足迹 apdmardix,Flex公司,居关键电产业全球领先地位,并正式开始Dundalk第二设施建设D2/p公尺(12万平方公尺)生产空间分两个阶段完成第一阶段预期2024前3个月投入运行。




James Peacock常务主管Anord Mardix 图级s'wp-block-Viewlixssssssssss/www.andmardix.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/VIDEO-2023-209-182-01.mp4'
//www.hakchouf.com/d2-announcement/feed/ 0
开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix欢迎键租入EMEA销售团队 //www.hakchouf.com/emea-sales-team/ //www.hakchouf.com/emea-sales-team/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 元2023年9月18日11:22:00+00 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=8174 开云官网在线登录首页Anord MardixFlex公司高兴地宣布 EMEA销售团队三位新成员达伦泰里特 克林特斯金纳 皮特尔沃契克开云官网在线登录首页销售主管Anord MardixIrland Darren Territt以Dundalk为基地,整理了多年关键电产业内数个家庭名称的经验,并作为一个类ssss/www.www.hakchouf.com/emea-sales-team/开云官网在线登录首页更多阅读 开云官网在线登录首页PQQEM#Anord MardixFlex公司高兴地宣布 EMEA销售团队三位新成员开云官网在线登录首页Darren Territt, Clint Skinner and Piotr Wojcik.

Sales Director, Anord Mardix Ireland

Darren Territt, based in Dundalk, has curated years of experience working across a number of household names within the critical power industry and has, as a result, worked with most of the cloud companies within Data Centres.开云官网在线登录首页


>darren新任命的Anod Mardix角色将看到他努力建设企业并实现销售流程与Dundalk制造厂接轨开云官网在线登录首页aord MardixDundalk关键增长期,Darren希望利用自己的专业知识创建更加顺畅的销售项目集成-更好地支持内部团队和该区域的客户。



We are working to build partnerships with our customers, not just selling a product.

Darren Territt


Sales Director, EMEA, DATABAR

Clint Skinner, based in the UK, has developed a number of key relationships within the data centre industry, working on the vendor side of manufacturers in his most recent role to represent UPS, software, busway and switchgear.

As the newly appointed Sales Director for EMEA, Clint is responsible for DATABAR sales across EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa).开云app苹果下载安装

In his impressive years of experience in the industry, Clint has developed a fundamental understanding of all busway models on the market – propelling his appreciation for DATABAR, which he considers to be the best in market on design and quality.

Utilising not only his commercial network but also his technical knowledge of critical power solutions, Clint hopes to further support the Anord Mardix team to grow DATABAR sales within EMEA as well as supporting the business to become the industry's most trusted vendor in the region.

Clint comments,

My objective is that we should always strive to be the trusted brand of choice, in terms of quality, reliability, pricing and delivery.使全区域的必要增长满足客户需求, 因为我们客户需要像我们这样的产品提供设施满足客户需求我觉得这是一个非常重要的策略 也是我非常热心的策略开云官网在线登录首页Since my early experiences in the1990's, the Datacentre sector has grown exponentially over the years to meet demand and I can't think of a better sector to work in – so we [Anord Mardix] must be ready to grow with it.

Clint Skinner


Sales Director, EMEA, Modular Solutions

Piotr Wojcik, based in Poland, has extensive knowledge and experience in the data centre industry, where he has been present for over 20 years.

During this period, Piotr has worked on the design, construction and operation of dozens of data centre facilities.此外,他在欧洲公共、商业和工业楼中跨复杂受保供电设施工作。开云app苹果下载安装Piotr最近曾任中东欧密钥管理主管,并在该区域领导多项目为客户提供全套关键电源解决方案。



开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix已经被视为市场领先者, 多亏它的专门知识、高精度产品和面向客户方法,开云官网在线登录首页iordr.wojcik@nordmardix.com/ //www.hakchouf.com/emea-sales-team/feed/ 0 开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix宣布公司慈善伙伴与SOSAD爱尔兰 //www.hakchouf.com/sosad-ireland/ //www.hakchouf.com/sosad-ireland/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 mon,11Sep202309:4449+00 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=8158 开云官网在线登录首页9月10日世界预防自杀日后,Flex公司Anord Mardix宣布与SOSAD爱尔兰公司合作SOSAD(拯救我们的子女)跨Cavan、Louth、Pash、monaghan和Lais在爱尔兰工作,以提高认识并帮助预防自杀开云官网在线登录首页SOSAD为与SOSAD爱尔兰企业慈善伙伴抗争者提供支援和服务开云官网在线登录首页更多阅读 Anord Mardix宣布与SOSAD爱尔兰企业慈善伙伴关系 开云官网在线登录首页9月10日世界预防自杀日后,Flex公司Anod Mardix宣布与SOSAD爱尔兰公司合作。

sOSADSOSAD为那些为自杀思想、自残、抑郁、丧偶、压力和焦虑而挣扎的人提供支持和服务开云官网在线登录首页sqelFloodsssssssservationss/pslockquote员工福利对我们来说非常重要,我们致力于提高认识并帮助支持那些受自杀影响或可能自残的员工。开云官网在线登录首页aord Mardix员工心近的原因,我们宣布这一合伙关系以缅怀因自杀而不幸失职的员工。 ##em>我们希望员工感到支持并知道他们有资源可用SOSAD免费提供各种支持和服务帮助有需要者,我们很高兴支持他们的出色工作开云官网在线登录首页整年我们将举办活动为SOSAD募集资金支持SOSAD继续本地和跨爱尔兰的杰出工作。

透过SOSAD关键工作,Anod Mardix希望鼓励可能挣扎与人聊天的任何人!无论是家庭成员、朋友、同事或心理健康专业人员开云官网在线登录首页正因如此Anod Mardix承诺向SOSAD提供初步捐款10,000欧元,随后全年继续筹款活动,以确保SOSAD能够在Dundalk和周围地区继续其辉煌工作。

ssOSAD不懈工作并免费向可能挣扎的任何人提供各种服务开云官网在线登录首页No matter how big or small the problem may seem to the individual, SOSAD believe that everyone should have access to the appropriate mental health and wellbeing services – and they offer that support 24/7.

SOSAD comment,

SOSAD Ireland are delighted to be involved as a charity partner with Anord Mardix. 
We are very thankful for their support and commitment, particularly to our local Dundalk branch. 

This will enable us to continue our work providing 1:1 counselling to those in need, operating our 24/7 crisis helpline and messaging service. 

We rely on the generosity of our community and are most grateful to Anord Mardix and all of their staff for their aid and encouragement of SOSAD's vision. 

If you would like to read more on the charity SOSAD and the local mental health services they offer in Ireland, click here: https://sosadireland.ie/

The post Anord Mardix Announces Corporate Charity Partnership with SOSAD Ireland appeared first on Anord Mardix. //www.hakchouf.com/sosad-ireland/feed/ 0 大循环2023 //www.hakchouf.com/big-cycle-2023/ //www.hakchouf.com/big-cycle-2023/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 wed,19JU202306:04:42+00 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=8046 7月13日星期四,我们曾有机会主办第二届年度大循环事件和它是什么一击!该事件鼓励全能骑车者与行尸加入我们并募集钱财-Kendal山援救队-正如英国Anod类所投票支持的ss/www.www.hakchouf.com/big-cource2023/开云官网在线登录首页更多读/a+/p 开云官网在线登录首页7月13日星期四,我们曾有机会主办第二次年度大循环事件和它受什么打击!


spost //www.hakchouf.com/big-cycle-2023/feed/ 0
开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix大循环 //www.hakchouf.com/the-anord-mardix-big-cycle/ //www.hakchouf.com/the-anord-mardix-big-cycle/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 Thu, 21JU2022 13:10:51+00 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=7392 7月7日星期四,我们主办了首大循环事件,鼓励全英国骑车者(我们甚至有来自美国的访问者! )加入我们募捐,开云官网在线登录首页大循环允诺所有百科全书, 或squalsssss/www.nordmardix.com/the-nord-mardix-big-ccy开云官网在线登录首页/a+/a+/p 开云官网在线登录首页7月7日星期四,我们主办了首大循环事件,鼓励全英国的自行车手(甚至有来自美国的访问者!)和我们一起为北海保理会这个奇妙的慈善事业筹款。

大循环允诺所有循环者透视,无论他们决定循环40英里或70英里路线,我们事件团队ZeusCycling、编程并标出标注ssss/www.anordmardix/big-curople/>AnordMardix大循环 先出现在 //www.hakchouf.com/the-anord-mardix-big-cycle/feed/ 0
开通道解决方案对数据中心至关重要 //www.hakchouf.com/why-open-channel-solutions-are-essential-in-data-centres/ //www.hakchouf.com/why-open-channel-solutions-are-essential-in-data-centres/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 Tue2022年5月10日 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=7278 开云app苹果下载安装

据行业专家称,大规模项目关键电源解决方案在过去十年中有所演进随着全世界对数据存储需求增加,需要创新提供关键配电解决方案位居数据中心建设前列。时间营销和需要交付设备slorss/s/s/s/s/s/s/s.aordmardix.com/s/abs-openchel-solutions-aes-e-in-data-centres/开云官网在线登录首页/a+/a+/p 开云app苹果下载安装




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世界卫生安全日 //www.hakchouf.com/world-health-and-safety-day/ //www.hakchouf.com/world-health-and-safety-day/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 Tue2022年5月10日 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=7276 what世界健康安全日2022年世界卫生安全日,每年4月28日庆祝,旨在集中国际注意力,关注工作场所卫生安全的重要性,促进预防工伤事故今日,我们想推广传教题sss/www.ardmardix.com/world-Health-and-Safety-day/开云官网在线登录首页更多阅读 世界健康安全日 h2类= wp-block-heading'sWhatWorldHealthetyday? World健康安全日2022开云官网在线登录首页On this day, we want to promote the importance of staying vigilant in the workplace and also highlight the role of our SHEQ department at Anord Mardix, who work hard to ensure a safe working environment for our team worldwide, safeguarding not only our physical but our mental health at work every day.

Occupational safety and health is paramount for reducing the risk of occupational accidents and diseases at work, enabling employees to work safely with the assurance that the relevant procedures are in place to prevent the worst case scenario.

The post World Health and Safety Day appeared first on Anord Mardix.
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WS1超尺度投资 //www.hakchouf.com/hyperscale-investment-at-ws1/ //www.hakchouf.com/hyperscale-investment-at-ws1/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 Tue2022年3月15日 公司更新 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=7066 开云官网在线登录首页

Anord Mardix更新操作WS1制造网站开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix使用超尺度项目事实上,它正成为我们最常见的项目类型之一 工作企业近些年来,我们有幸与数大品牌合作,制作产品ss//ss//s/s/ss/s/ss/s开云官网在线登录首页/a+/a+/p+ssssss/www.aordmardix.com/hypersal-Investment-at-ws1/ 开云官网在线登录首页ss1制造网站d更新操作In fact, it is becoming one of our most frequent types of projects to work on as a business.

In recent years we have had the privilege to work with a number of big brands, producing the products and services that enable our clients to grow within their own sectors.

We take pride in being able to facilitate the supply for data centres and other industries worldwide.

But, in order to keep up with project deadlines, we have had to make significant investments to our production line – and one of these investments is installing a colossal crane at our WS1 (UK) manufacturing site, which was completed in 2021.

After a full 12 months of utilising this key piece of equipment within our production process, we want to see how much impact the crane has really had on our production capabilities.

The basics of hyperscale production

A key part of assembling our products for hyperscale projects is the ability to mount our LV and HV switchgear on Power Skids, which elevate the products off the floor and allow the switchgear to be air-conditioned underneath.

Being mounted upon a Power Skid gives our hyperscale products modularity.模块化电波设计,如模块化电波显示s/www.www.hakchouf.com/products/modual-rooms/This process significantly reduces project lead times, making it much quicker than a full install ‘from-scratch', onsite, at the project location.

Modular plantrooms ultimately provide the following benefits for a project:

  • Allows modular pre-fabrication and pre-testing offsite.
  • Rapid deployment to site
  • Faster final commissioning of the pods onsite

If you are interested in finding out more about our Modular Design products, why not check out this blog here, where we go into more detail.

Modular plantrooms would not be possible if it weren't for the Power Skids at the base of each power pod.

Power Skid Fabrication

A Skid mounted solution is crucial to the assembly and shipping of our HV and LV switchgear on a hyperscale project.查查电机安装开关到Skids的延时视频-你可以真正感知我们项目的规模!






吊车由远程无线电控制系统操作,我们可以独立或协同操作,包括两个转机段When not in use, the turning units can be quickly disconnected from the crane via plugs and sockets mounted on the crane hook block and finally stored on independent stands.

The business and our staff have already reaped substantial rewards from installing the new crane and we're excited for this to continue in the future.

Before installing the crane

  • We used a telehandler to move the skids form one stage of welding to the next
  • Because we have a total of 4 stages per Skid, and every section of weld had to stop to allow the telehandler through the Skid area, our production team would lose around 2 and ¼ hours per Skid in waiting for the Skid to be accessible again!
  • All production would have to stop for safety reasons until the telehandler had finished.
  • With 6 welders working on a Skid at once, each stopping for 2 ¼ hours each day, we would lose up to 13.5 hours of production in total.
  • Even at full capacity we could produce two to three Skids maximum, causing us to fall be with the schedule.

After the crane installation

  • With the crane installed, we do not have to stop two out of the three weld stages and work can continue without interruption.
  • Only on the fourth stage of completing the Skid, where it needs to be moved or rotated, does work need to stop.Each move or rotation takes, on average, 10 minutes.
  • This means that only 2 out of the total 6 welders need to stop while the Skid is rotating, saving the team over 12 hours in total.

Moving away from a telehandler and replacing it with a crane which is big enough to flip the Skids within 10 minutes, with minimal disruption to the welders, is a significant improvement to the production line.

With an overall saving of 12 hours per Skid, we can now comfortably produce four per week, enabling us to meet project demands and deadlines.

The crane also helps massively with the production of smaller Skids, not just big ones.2021年8月,我们连续六天生产20Skid开云官网在线登录首页2022年1月,我们仅3天内就能焊接、刷画并运输12层电路到爱尔兰 — — 使用远程操作器时不可想象。很明显,我们能看到起重机对我们业务有多大影响。

A年安装后,我们成功提高超尺度产品生产率并使我们生产团队更容易理解!>/p>spost 优先出现在ss1 上 //www.hakchouf.com/hyperscale-investment-at-ws1/feed/ 0 开云官网在线登录首页Anord Mardix支持社区果园 //www.hakchouf.com/supports-orchards-in-the-community/ //www.hakchouf.com/supports-orchards-in-the-community/#respond 斯蒂芬妮杜赫斯特 wed,092022年3月1214:52+00 行业新闻 //www.hakchouf.com/?p=7020 开云官网在线登录首页snord Mardix向爱尔兰Fauhart社区国民学校本地学校捐赠果树很高兴宣布我们参加爱尔兰宿主的“Orchards in the community”创举果园在为挣扎的蜜蜂提供早期食物源方面发挥着关键作用开云官网在线登录首页帮助保护蜜蜂并增加授粉量,52小类s='excert-read-more'hrefsss/www.aordmardix.com/supports-orchads-the-service/开云官网在线登录首页/a+/a+/p 开云官网在线登录首页s/www.hostinireland.com/orchards社区Orchards果园在为挣扎的蜜蜂提供早期食物源方面发挥着关键作用开云官网在线登录首页帮助保护蜜蜂并增加授粉量,我们是52个承保者及90多学校和社区团体的一部分,在爱尔兰各地种植超过1 000个混合果园。

spost //www.hakchouf.com/supports-orchards-in-the-community/feed/ 0